Saturday, September 20, 2014

Welcome to MyORIQ!

      Two steps forward and one step back is acceptable progress, but no steps forward and no steps back is not acceptable.

Why this blog? Because I am compelled to make things better in my profession. To all of you  working in healthcare, the most fiefdom driven environment, I am telling you: yes, improvement is possible! And I refuse to give up. I created this blog to spread 'the quality gospel', keep my thoughts in order, advertise quality improvement ideas anyone could use,  and post projects that were successful (or not) on my operating room unit. 

If you are like me and drank the KoolAid, or if you are a doubter, you are welcome to use this information posted here. Comments and opinions are accepted, as long as they are constructive and related to the topic. I strongly believe in the mantra that 'you are only allowed to complain, if you prove you did or do something about it'. Hoping to make this blog and my improvement work a success, 



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