
The 7th Canadian Quality Congress- Sep. 28-29, Edmonton AB

The 2015 theme of this congress is "Managing change through quality leadership".
Although still far ahead, you might be interested to check out the link and register at early bird prices. 

For more information, here is the link.

Rebel Jam 2015- Jun 26, online

This is a yearly event organized by Corporate Rebels United, aiming to connect individuals who care about their organization, who "fight mediocrity and applaud critical thinking". If that is you, join this 24h online event with fascinating speakers, inspiring entertainment and provocative discussions every hour, with hosts/moderators from Europe, North America and Asia. Follow the highlighted links for details. Hear you then!

IMAGINE Project in Calgary- Jan 22, 2015

If you are listening to CBC Radio, you must be familiar with Dr. Brian Goldman, the host of 'White Coat- Black Art". Well, this is your chance to see him in Calgary, in an open (and free!) event organized by W21C, called the IMAGINE Project - Patient centred system- crucial questions for health. Registration is free but has to be completed online. Join the conversation and be part of this discussion running  from 1 to 6 pm at the U of C. 

To read more about this event and the speakers present, please follow this link.

The 26th Annual National on Quality Improvement in Healthcare

It's that time of the year when the IHI is leading the most important event in QI. I am hoping that soon I will be able to participate to this exciting, innovative forum on quality improvement in healthcare. But until then, I will gladly follow this event on the web and on twitter (#IHI26forum). The event runs from Dec 7 to Dec 10 in Orlando, FL and is a great opportunity for networking and interactive learning. For more details please follow this link.

And here is a brief and excellent history on QI, in a creative video. It depicts also the incredible role the IHI plays in QI, and its progress so far! Enjoy!

Arlene Dickinson in Calgary

"I believe it’s an individual responsibility to help contribute to improving your work environment—and if you can’t, to leave and find a job elsewhere."

This is Arlene Dickinson, and her own words from her book "Persuasion- A new approach to changing minds". As part of the Luncheon Series events organized by Women of Influence, Arlene's message will surely be well received by her audience on November 12, at the Telus Convention Centre. Persuasion is not only a necessary skill but an attribute of a successful change agent.  "Like leaders, they inspire, but persuaders have a different goal: they seek collaboration, not domination. Or to put it another way, persuaders want partners, not followers."

Be inspired and hone your persuasion skills! More details about the event here.

Canadian Patient Safety Institute turns 10!

In partnership with Alberta Health Services and the Health Quality Council of Alberta, we’re also hosting pre-conference event, ‘Safe Transitions in Care’, presented on Oct. 28. The Canada’s Forum on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement takes places in Edmonton, Alberta, on Oct. 29 and 30. See link to event here

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