
Solving the Problem

There are many problem-solving approaches as part of the QI toolbox, which can be very confusing. PDSA (or PDCA), DMAIC, A3 are all looking at ways to solve problems, and they are used independently or in combination. But they do have similarities, and one of that is the type of the problem one wants to solve: the 'size' of the problem. Also, if the problem is a singular problem, or part of a continuous improvement process will help in identifying the most appropriate tool. For example, for my 5S organization project, I am using the PDSA cycle.

Here is a short summary of each of these approaches:

Comparing Lean and Quality Improvement

“Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the old masters.
Seek instead what the old masters sought.” –Basho (1644-1694)

IHI-QI initiatives typically focus on line-level processes, but too often fail to develop and integrate standard work for supervisors and executives that, in Lean, are essential to transforming the organizational culture. In Lean, improvement is the responsibility of the line-level work team, not specialized quality professionals or consultants.  

IHI-QI initiatives typically advocate the use of cross-functional teams. IHI-QI practitioners should insist that they themselves, along with the leaders of the organizations with whom they work, go to the gemba to observe. 

For both traditions, the future is about learning what works to improve value for patients.

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