Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Your Input Matters: Improving Opinion Surveys

If you work in an organization - any organization - you probably received periodical emails with links to opinion surveys. The email message would say something like "your opinion is valued" or "your input matters" and kindly asks you to take few minutes of your day to complete a survey. So what do you do? Click on the survey link? Postpone to action on it? Or simply ignore- or even delete the email?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Learning to Change

How do you feel about learning? 
Do you remember your school years as an exciting time, or do you just recall exam anxiety? 
Whatever the answer, it is OK. 

A recent presentation on adult learning on #rebeljam15 started with "Have an open mind". As adult learners, we might be conditioned by past behaviours but we can also approach learning in a novel, productive way (if we choose to). That is because the learning science also followed an incredible evolution and has become accessible, fun and rewarding, and more than ever- necessary.

There is no question about why we need to be life long learners (LLL). Here are some of the many benefits of LLL: